I’ve actually had this conversation with people about how many cons they’ve been to. Nothing made me feel older than realizing that half the staff who worked for me at AnimeFEST had been born after I started playing D&D.
The Not That Early Years
A little self-deprecation here. From ’91 to ’97, I and the Klingon Empire ruled Con Security for several conventions in Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. I’m pretty sure some of the staff had this attitude about us.
Poor Mike. I’m not sure he knows well enough to keep from trifling with Phyllis. Especially when she has Internet access!
For those three of you who don’t know, the mu’qaD veS, or Curse War, is a Klingon tradition where you fight with words, not swords. One of the few ways you can be almost guaranteed to live through a fight[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yet another fun weekend at the con… Remember those? I’m pretty sure I remember what I did at cons when I didn’t have to work. Okay, I’m kidding. I have NO idea.
This is SO my life. We had a weekly conference call that the entire team dialed in to make, only to find out that our manager had sent a cancellation just a few minutes before it started.
Yes, this is what happened. My friend Dawn was absolutely mortified that Curtis was talking about “Nigger Toes” and could not get him to shut up for the life of her. So he’s going on for like 15 minutes, asking[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Miriam Webster: Brazil Nut: (noun). a tall South American tree (Bertholletia excelsa of the family Lecythidaceae) that bears large globular capsules each containing several closely packed roughly triangular oily edible nuts. Wikipedia: Brazil nuts were sometimes called “nigger toes” in the 1960s,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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