When you see it (and you should), make sure to check it out in digital quality. Seriously, this movie took Awesome out behind the shack and had its way with it. Then left Awesome asking for a cigarette.
The Not That Early Years
This is a tale from the Campaign Trail that’s a little rougher than most. We don’t have much overt racism here in Texas thanks to lax gun laws, but in other states, it’s more interesting… This is a REAL CONVERSATION[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This Hood started when I thought about that joke, “The most fun thing about Alzheimer’s is that you can hide your own Easter eggs!” It went downhill from there. Also since I didn’t actually do it last time, here’s props[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The last line from panel 1 was actually from a friend of mine whose wife spends ENTIRELY too much time on Craig’s List!
SOMEONE doesn’t like competition, I guess. Hopefully &e will have Internet access in prison, so Derf can torment him at will.
I know this one treads the lines between humorous and illegible. But trust me, it’s funny. By the way, yay for Derf’s first full sentence since 8th grade! His English teacher would be so proud…
The character &e is inspired by my co-worker Andy – he and I speak like this to each other in the dark of night. Oh, and lest I forget – the one and only Mrs. Sarah Palin really has been asked to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Can you say foreshadowing? I can say foreshadowing… Oh, and thanks to my best friend Joel for the top quote, which is on a coffee cup he gave me!
I hate to admit it, but this comic’s a result of semi-real life. In the IT world, Monster Energy Drinks are but one path to the great God Caffeine. Mmmmmm… caffeine.
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