Welcome Doc and John as their punk band avatars of 4HourZer0! The lyrics are from the song ‘Jed, The Dead Red Penis Head’ by Allen Markley. Seriously. Also, Thanks to Kim for editing O.o
The Years That Were No Longer Early
42 comics.
Part of my Seven Commandments are ‘Thou shalt not discuss intimate parts of your life with assholes’.
There are some people that you literally can’t talk to. There are others that you just shouldn’t talk to. It’s important to know the difference…
Sarchasm (noun): The distance in conversation between your sarcasm and someone’s lack of understanding your humor.
It’s kind of like an upside down waterfall. Mike convinces Phyllis, who convinces Sandy, etc. It always boggles my mind how this actually does work so well.
Should Mike start singing ‘Hustle and Flow’ songs now or after the first trick? It’s so difficult to make sure you get it right!
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