The Hood LIV: Quod Licet Lovi Non Licet Bovi
Dude, this SO happens all the time. At my last job, it was totally like this. The CFO is like, “No you can’t use the free software to set up a BES server, because… well, just because!” And then the CEO comes back THE NEXT WEEK from a Verizon demo with a blackberry and it’s set up in a fortnight.
At my current pos, we were all like, “We hate Blackberries! No blackberries for anyone! You must use the Treo!” And then our new CEO comes over and says, “Hey, I’d like to use mine,” and it’s ON in less than a week.
And because I’m exceptionally nice, I’ll tell you where to find the translation for this REALLY COOL QUOTE.
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